Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What You've Been Waiting For

So here it is, the BIG picture post.
Its done!
(the map anyway)
Thanks for all those that expressed interest.
(there were so many of you)
Other than having acctually succeeded, the best part about this from idea to completion was a grand total of 10 days.
Now for some pictures.
(all piece in every picture are the same, no editing here)
Regular Sized Green Land.
BIG Green Land
Poor little Iceland with just enough roomfor 2 armies
Little Iceland's BIG brother with enough room for 8
Side by side comparison of Frightening Austrailia
(small on the left)

The little country counter legends.
The Regular risk board in comparison to my full sized pool table.


The newly map super-kick-ass-arific-map in Comparison.

So basically I CAN'T wait to get a game going, hopeing for this weekend.

I will let you know how that game goes, and will keep you updated on the progress of the men moving sticks, and all the other secondary components.

(if you want to keep donating to the cause, you still can, for a little while anyway)

No Chance In Hell

Original Idea

Its just NOT gonna happen
(besides there is no need)

Major Developments

After getting the transperancies made I went home and was getting ready to start drawing
The pages were to big, there was no way I was going to be able to draw the map without getting the pages made again.
So on Tuesday, I went back to the map makers.
I brought the board this time.
We talked about it, they figured they could scan it and asked if i could leave the board overnight.
Of course I can, not going to be playing Risk on a Tuesday night.
I asked when I should come back for it.
I'm expecting them to tell me to leave my info and they will call me in a couple weeks.
"oh, you could probly come in tomorrow if you're in town"
"oh yeah, it will probly be done today, but just to be safe come back tomorrow"
So today at lunch, I went back, sure enough it was done.
The made it 3x5, so its not as big as I wanted but it is more than enough, which you will be witness to shortly.
So yeah, I still want the sticks, differant dice, a carying tube and everything, but the big difficult part is DONE DONE DONE
Now i just need to orginize some games.
Pictures next.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Hold onto Your Dice

So i got the transparencies made at lunch today. they look great. They even made them in colour for me.
I could try and put pictures of them up, but don't know how well it would work.
I also have some (potentially) great news.
I went and checked out a differ ant printing company...actually they are a...
I went in and explained what i want to do.
They might be able to do it for me. If they can it will be Phenomenally cheaper....I'm talking less than 100 bucks.
It would not be quite as nice, just laminated map paper, which is all mine is going to be.
It would only be able to be 5 feet instead off the full 6 that i wanted.
Really the only thing standing in the way, is if they can actually scan the game board.
So now I don't know what to do. I could start working on the map tonight as planned, but then there might not be any point if i can get it for cheap.
But if i wait until i have the answer for the company, and its a no, then i wasted a day.
Desicions, desicions.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The first few steps (pictures)

So as I said I put the paper on the wall, so that when i have the projectable map I will be able to get started right away. This is what i have acctually done thus far. (Day 2)

Step one: Gather Materials.

(risk map, projector, roll of paper, sharpee, out of frame is masking tape)

Step Two.

Strips of masking tape over the grooves in that damn panneling.
and step 3

Mounting the giant roll of paper onto the wall.

I will get the transparency of the map tomorrow on my lunch break

(yes i acctually have a job)

And I will begin tracing the map out tomorrow night after work.

Today was a bust

So I was all set to go all out and get started, at least on the out line of the map. I went into town to get the map made into a transparency....and the damn place was closed so i am at a stand still drawing wise until monday.
But i did put the paper up on the wall, and set up the overhead projector, so it's all ready to go as soon as i have the map.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Donations Now Being Accepted

I figured it best to start right away.
So If you are interested, donations* can now be made by clicking on the pretty button to the left.
*Remeber the donations are not for the regular homemade version, the donations are to go towards the full blown, pretty version.

The Back Story

(Please bear with me on the length of this first post)
Welcome my friends, I call you my friends, because that is what i am hoping we shall become, and as my friends you will help me and support me with my goals.
What are my goals you ask? well its quite simple this forum i have only one. To raise enough money to have professionally printed a pool table sized risk board with which to command armies.
Before i get into detail...
"The Back Story".
I love the game of risk, always have all the way back to the time when I would simply get my ass kicked by my older brother because i barely knew how to play, but he needed an opponent.
Over the year i have not been able to play as many games as I would have liked, but almost all that I have played have been great.
This past weekend, my girlfriend, her brother and I sat down and played a game. It was great fun and an overall good game...even if i DID loose.
Throughout the course of the game the idea of a pool table sized risk board was brought up.
(we were using my pool table to play the game on)
"The Idea"
This got the gears of my obsessive personality-mind turning, and its basically all i have thought about this week.
The idea has evolved, de-evolved and evolved again a few times in the course of the week.
The original idea was to get an over-head projector, and draw the map on giant paper, and do it all myself. Then the idea of getting it printed came up. I looked into it, but it is going to cost something like 300-400 dollars to get done.
THAT'S where YOU come in!
"The Project"
To see if its possible to be done, i am going to start asking for donations to get this kick ass map made.
What i propose to do is this:
I will begin making my own homemade version of this project, so even if i don't get the funds i will have one. This will give you an idea of just how cool a proper one would be, and just how much work is involved in what i am doing
(plus it will ad some nice colour to this page)
I will take photos and keep you updated on the progress of said map while accepting to donations to go towards "the real" version.
I will keep you appraised of the funding levels.
When the project is complete I will of course post pictures and capture the first game to share with you.
and that's basically the gist of it. Keep coming back for updates and the like.
I think i have gone on enough for now.
Updates will be often in this first little while.